Hi, I’m Kieran, a UK based photographer undertaking both commissioned and personal work. Thank you for calling by! My aim is to provide clients with high-quality creative photography, tailored to meet their individual needs.
From having a wide family interest in photography, I grew up following my Dad’s footsteps and passion for photography. When I was about ten years old, I received my first ever camera, and immersed myself in taking pictures – from capturing family occasions to everyday adventures with my brother. Something clicked with me (no pun intended!) from these very early moments.

Over the immediate years that followed I started studying Photography at school, particularly utilising the school’s black and white darkroom. Here, I clearly remember being fascinated by the magic of how images are formed through traditional film and print developing processes, whilst also enjoying the creative outlet photography enabled.
This fascination and passion for photography continued with achieving a first-class honours in a BA (Hons) Degree in Photography Editorial and Advertising, leading to work being showcased in the UK and overseas, including being a nominee in the national UK ‘Nikon Discovery Awards’ where my work was exhibited at the Olympia Gallery in London.

Fast forward a few years, and I have been fortunate to work with a range of creative practitioners and international photographic artists, as well as achieving a Masters Degree with distinction in Visual Communication which included cross discipline approaches to photography and design, and strategies around being adaptive, resourceful and innovate in today’s constantly changing creative environments.
Today, my passion for image making is as strong as ever! I provide photography for a range of creative areas, brands, and organisations, including editorial and advertising fields, as well as for portraiture, documentary, and weddings. Running alongside my commission work is my own personal work and my interest in art, design and creativity often forms the base of this work, encompassing a variety of traditional, innovative, and experimental image making methods.

I thoroughly enjoy working with new clients, groups, and individuals to generate ideas, innovate images and projects. This enjoyment of working with others, and my passion for image making has led me to teaching photography, creative thinking skills and visual communication across further and higher education, outreach educational initiatives, and adult learning courses, including experience in recent years co-ordinating the effective delivery of academic subject modules and teaching for international pathway courses in higher education. Supporting others to develop their own skills and interests is incredibly rewarding and my teaching practice has further enriched how I support the range of clients in my commissioned work.

Overall, my working approach links back to my continued fascination and passion for image making – I have a genuine desire to deliver clients with high-quality creative photography, tailored to meet their individual needs.
For commission enquires, print sales, or teaching and learning enquiries, please do send me a message via my contact details. Additionally, please feel free to view my social media links for current news, features and projects.
Many thanks again for calling by! Kieran